
About Us

Tsingyan Group, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a comprehensive high-tech enterprise that comprises Tsingyan Lingzhi Information Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd.; Beijing Tsingyan Lingzhi Culture Communication Co., Ltd.; and eight wholly-owned subsidiaries located in Tianjin, Guizhou, Jiangsu, Henan, Shaanxi, Tibet, Shandong, and Sichuan. The company is divided into 13 sectors, i.e., Urban Management, Public Services, Resources and Environment, Urban and Rural Construction, Landscaping, Social Governance, Industrial Development, Energy and Electricity, Rural Development, Emergency Management, Cultural Tourism, Integrated Communication, and Information Technology Research and Development.

Starting from May 2010, we provide professional services across four segments: Research and Consulting, Intelligent Data Mining, Information Technology Research and Development, and  Media Convergence and Innovative Communication. Jointly with the Institute of Tsinghua University, Hebei, we established the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Collaborative Innovation Center of Cultural and Creative Industries in 2017 and the Center of Social Governance in 2021.

We are an interdisciplinary team involving more than 610 full-time employees, with over 85% attaining a master’s degree or above, across fields as diverse as Public Management, Industrial Economy, Social Governance, Journalism and Communication, Landscaping, Urban Management, Tourism Management, Art and Design, Information Technology, and more.